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But the paint of blue, keep beat me till the end.' <p>Yes it's hard to understand. Why you leaving me and all we dreaming on ' <p>Long ago so faraway. But the light of blue, still living with me today.. <p>Dear Iin, I close my eyes and see your face. That's all I have to do to be with you. , <p>Dear Iin, altough I can not touch your face. I know what I can do to be with you ? ( <p>You were gone since yester month. But the memories never would dissapear.3 <center><font color='#245505' size='6'><strong><p>Speed Hari</strong></font></center></Body></html>?d €?b % HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General WallpaperVBE6.DLL? ?" ?( ?x @?` `rU€€€€~}   prU€€€ @$`$A` nrU€€€ <9q) 1Y?)! 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