主讲人:Charlie Gere,英国兰卡斯特大学教授
In my presentation I will take my cue from Western imaginings ofChina, as an exotic space of the other, particularly in relation to languageand poetry. I will discuss Ezra Pound’s experiments with language inspired byErnest Fennelosa’s work on Chinese writing (though neither Pound nor Fennelosaspoke or read Chinese). I will look at how the work of Pound and othersinfluenced the thought of Jacques Derrida in Of Grammatology, and thecontroversy this engendered in relation to accusations of orientalism by ReyChow and others. However I will argue that Chinese writing does offer a way ofthinking about writing and language critically, especially if seen through thelens of technological developments such as the Chinese Typewriter. I will startwith Nietzsche’s understanding of the transformative effect of our writingtechnologies, and Heidegger’s attack on the typewriter as a mechanization ofwriting, then pass through Derrida’s critique of the latter as ‘humainisme’(‘humanualism’), a kind of logocentrism of the hand. This is exemplified in therelation between the hand and the digits or fingers, and the digital, showingthat we are always already technical even in our most haptic endeavours. Thecomplexity of producing a typewriter for Chinese writing offers a spatialunderstanding of writing that goes beyond logocentrism, without entertainingfantasies of an entirely nonphonetic language.
C. Gere is professor of Media Theory and History, LancasterInstitute for Contemporary Arts (LICA), Lancaster University, 2012 onwards. Hismonographs: Unnatural Theology: Religion,Art and Media after the Death of God (Bloomsbury, 2018); Community without Community in DigitalCulture (Palgrave MacMillan, 2012); Non-RelationalAesthetics: Transmission, the Rules of Engagement 13 (Artwords, 2008), withMichael Corris; Art, Time and Technology(Berg, 2006); Digital Culture(Reaktion, 2002, 2nd edition 2008).